Saturday, November 17, 2012

90s Hiphop

As of late, I was forced to analyze what things me and my boyfriend both like and enjoy; purpose being an upcoming major event in our lives. It actually came easy to us because it is what bonded us from the very start - music. I remember our first date was at a hiphop event at a coffee shop in Taft (now closed) which its name beats me.

The contemplation led me to listening to songs for inspiration. What better era (of hiphop) to choose but the 90s, right? These are some of the songs that bring me back to the 90s once I hear them play. There are lots more but it's impossible to post all of them, so yea.

90s hiphop it is!

Also, apologies (again) for the absence, I will try (again) to update more often. There are about three posts in the drafts that, for some reason, I haven't yet the time to finish. Enjoy listening!

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