Saturday, October 20, 2012

Style inspiration

Personally, I think fashion is different from style. Fashion or trends have more rules and they come and go with the seasons. While style is who you are, it has more freedom, it lasts longer (unless you change your personality often), and it's all about expressing who you are through dressing up.

People have their own likings and differences; to each his own, they say. Some do cosplays because they like anime, some like to wear all black, spikes, and skulls. All of these, I think, convey something -- clothes serve as a lifestyle statement.

I, personally, tend to lean towards monochromatic, versatile, detailed, and un-girly pieces. I love prints, denims, leathers, sheer, sequins, studs, black and white, lace, gold details, piling on accessories, and pops of color. Some things that doesn't appeal are too much pink and pa-cute stuff and too revealing clothes.
I'd say my style is casual and laid-back. Here are some styles that caught my eye:


This as formal as it could get:

Pop of colors:

What's your style? How do you manipulate pieces of clothing to express who you are?

*Photos grabbed from Tumblr and Pinterest*

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