Thursday, October 11, 2012


Soo bad with updating this blog and it's because I have been busy/stuck doing the same thing everyday. I know, what a bore! Aside from the usual business thingamajiga, taking care of the kid, and trying to lose weight by working out and TRYING to eat healthy, I always look forward for grocery/shopping days where I discover and purchase new products to try.

And one of my recent purchases are these Beauty Buffet face masks. Cute packaging and "caviar" got me sold but haven't tried them out so can't give out my thoughts on these just yet. Oh!! One more thing about my weight loss thingy.. Today is my sixth day of not eating rice and so far lost a couple of lbs. so yay!! Fingers crossed on me losing more so I can get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Hey, it's about damn time!!

Also, after more than a month of waiting, my sneaker wedges arrived today!! Didn't really fix the lace on the picture above because I was too excited to try it on and take a picture. Got these here. 

Another thing is I am YouTube-hooked!! Before ('til now) it is where I find my music but lately it has a whole another purpose for me. Out of curiosity and, yes, boredom I stumbled upon these channels and they serve as a boredom-buster when I got nothing to do!

Click on the photos for the channels' links:

Sunbeamsjess --Mainly fashion and a little bit of everything. I like how her style is un-girly and not your typical shizz.

Beautycrush --Mainly beauty. Basically this channel and the next two are where I get tips on everything vanity.

Viviannadoesmakeup --Mainly beauty.

Essiebutton --Mainly beauty.

It's Judy's life --A vlog. Basically a documentation of a couple's lives. This is what made me realize I have to be more housewife-y and domesticated. haha! I also love how Benji is such a good man to Judy and the TimTam Slaaam.

Well, that's it. These are what I've been up to lately.
Check out the channels and enjoy!

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