Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Out of Town Delight

Last weekend, the whole family took a break from our daily routines and from the city. Our timing (or the weather's) is kinda off because the whole time we were there it won't stop raining. And by the time we reached the city proper the sun was shining again. Talk about luck (or lack thereof!) Nonetheless, it was a great break from the toxicity of the typical 'same shit, different day' .

1. I dream of having a rest house surrounded by this. // 2. Child-like happiness. // 3. Nicolay playing. //  
4. The massive beaut above our heads while eating. // 5. Religious statues displayed all over the vicinity. Buddhist, I think. // 6. Our bed during the stay. Never wanna get off from it, super soft and comforting! // 
7. Keys // 8. Love black and white themed rooms. // 9. My boys on our way home.

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