Monday, December 17, 2012

We did it!

It's been exactly 6 days after the marriage and I hardly feel any difference at all. Maybe because we've been together for quite a while (5 years and 5 mos.) and have been living together for almost a year now. Tying the knot has been in the talks but never really came into fruition (until recently, on 12.12.12) because of money matters. We finally decided to do it 2 months before the said marriage date. Many of our friends were shocked and even called it a "shotgun wedding", somewhat true because I understand it was unexpected by many but for both of us it was something inevitable, so why not do it now? And so we did!

Less than 2 weeks before the date, my brother Julio and his girlfriend Tin were kind enough to lend their time and skills by taking our pre-nup photos for us. (Click their names to check out their amazing works!) Thank you again, you guys!♥ Here are some of the photos. Enjoy!

Til the next post!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

You know you're getting old...

...When you start getting excited about buying house-related stuff, especially cute furniture and kitchenware. You get excited with the silliest stuff like scented candles, cute bowls that match your dinner mat, or those colorful measuring spoons you use when cooking. I personally love multipurpose stuff and those thingamajigs used for organizing things! I don't know about you but I'm currently onto these things like there's no tomorrow. Getting old is just a state of mind anyways; mind over matter is what they say. ;)

This post will serve as my "ideabook" for that day when we start building our own house. The thought of recreating and DIY-ing some of these make me blush.  Photos are from Houzz.

Pan storage so they won't come crashing when you open that door.

A hanging daybed in the backyard for some relaxation. 

Love these glass jar chandeliers.

Human sized mirror - a necessity.

Use every inch of your house by creating corner shelves.

Spices organizer

Not your ordinary clock

Apothecary jars as food storage. 

Glass lamp

Fire pit kit for a backyard get together with friends at night.
Cord labellings for less confusion

I prefer sliding doors.

Knives organizer

Another glass chandelier/lamp. Love how glass are aesthetically endearing.

Pull down kitchen faucet.

A nice headboard.

Built-in hamper/clothes bin

Positive reminder

A nice tub with caddy for some alone time.

Built-in trash cabinet

Dream kitchen

Lion's head knocker

Space saving pantry ideas.

Wood looking porcelain tiles

Study desk with storage for the kid

Walk-in closet

I cannot wait for the day when we move out of my parents' house and finally have our own place we can call 'home'. I've been quietly envisioning how I'll decorate our first home -- majority will be painted white and pops of colors and personalities will be delivered through wall arts, furniture, textures, fabrics, decors, lighting and etc. I'd like bedrooms to be eclectic while the rest of the house would be a mixture of contemporary and modern styles. If money weren't an issue I'd like to have my own office and walk-in closet, Al's recording studio and office, game room for kids, a guest room, and a large backyard with a pool. Hey, no wrong in dreaming big... and it's free!

What's your dream house? And how would you decorate it?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

90s Hiphop

As of late, I was forced to analyze what things me and my boyfriend both like and enjoy; purpose being an upcoming major event in our lives. It actually came easy to us because it is what bonded us from the very start - music. I remember our first date was at a hiphop event at a coffee shop in Taft (now closed) which its name beats me.

The contemplation led me to listening to songs for inspiration. What better era (of hiphop) to choose but the 90s, right? These are some of the songs that bring me back to the 90s once I hear them play. There are lots more but it's impossible to post all of them, so yea.

90s hiphop it is!

Also, apologies (again) for the absence, I will try (again) to update more often. There are about three posts in the drafts that, for some reason, I haven't yet the time to finish. Enjoy listening!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Style inspiration

Personally, I think fashion is different from style. Fashion or trends have more rules and they come and go with the seasons. While style is who you are, it has more freedom, it lasts longer (unless you change your personality often), and it's all about expressing who you are through dressing up.

People have their own likings and differences; to each his own, they say. Some do cosplays because they like anime, some like to wear all black, spikes, and skulls. All of these, I think, convey something -- clothes serve as a lifestyle statement.

I, personally, tend to lean towards monochromatic, versatile, detailed, and un-girly pieces. I love prints, denims, leathers, sheer, sequins, studs, black and white, lace, gold details, piling on accessories, and pops of color. Some things that doesn't appeal are too much pink and pa-cute stuff and too revealing clothes.
I'd say my style is casual and laid-back. Here are some styles that caught my eye:


This as formal as it could get:

Pop of colors:

What's your style? How do you manipulate pieces of clothing to express who you are?

*Photos grabbed from Tumblr and Pinterest*