Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Latest

I suck at this, I know haha! Anyway, April's coming to its end and before we know it it's gonna be May, mi mes favorito del añoWhy? Well, first it's my kid's birthday month. Second, it's the month of flowers and soaking up the sun.. It's just a beautiful month, that's why.

A couple things have happened in the past months and I must say I'm loving 2013. (I vowed to keep this year positive no matter how ugly the circumstances are, so...) On February, I scored an internship for YAWYW, a lifestyle/culture website, wherein I had an awesome time. I just wish I could've done more for a longer time. Go check 'em out!

I have this obsession with roses lately. This is my current wallpaper..

And this one's my current cover page in Facebook. 

So I decided I wanted them inked! And just last week I got it done at Fuse Tattoo Studio. The artist is a friend of my hubby and I, JonJon. Got a lot of compliment for it and I'm in loooooove! 

I also said adios to my ombre by cutting my hair short. Well, it's still kinda ombre coz a little color's showing from what's left of it. I don't have any decent picture yet showing what's left of the color but here's a photo of my kid and I's freshly cut tresses.

Next week, on cinco de Mayo, will be my lil man's 3rd birthday and by the end of May we'll be heading up north for the beach. Stay posted!

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