Monday, December 17, 2012

We did it!

It's been exactly 6 days after the marriage and I hardly feel any difference at all. Maybe because we've been together for quite a while (5 years and 5 mos.) and have been living together for almost a year now. Tying the knot has been in the talks but never really came into fruition (until recently, on 12.12.12) because of money matters. We finally decided to do it 2 months before the said marriage date. Many of our friends were shocked and even called it a "shotgun wedding", somewhat true because I understand it was unexpected by many but for both of us it was something inevitable, so why not do it now? And so we did!

Less than 2 weeks before the date, my brother Julio and his girlfriend Tin were kind enough to lend their time and skills by taking our pre-nup photos for us. (Click their names to check out their amazing works!) Thank you again, you guys!♥ Here are some of the photos. Enjoy!

Til the next post!